Ancient Greek Mosaic Bowl

Ancient Greek Mosaic Bowl

Item Number: 10626


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Period: Hellenistic Period - Circa late 2nd c. BCE
Dimensions: 5" x 2 1/4"
Material: Ancient Glass
Condition: Repaired
Region: Eastern Mediterranean
Provenance: From an old French collection.
Magnificent mosaic cobalt bowl with four triangular motifs. Mosaic pieces were also known as millefiori. Conical bowl with pseudo-gold-glass tesserae of transparent amber-colored glass. The translucent green, gold and white tesserae of the geometric motifs are highlighted when backlit Rare applied rim with blue alternating with white opaque glass. The rim would have stabilized the rods when in the manufacturing stage. Assembled from sections of cane and cast; rotary polished on both surfaces; cut on the exterior.
Ref. "Early Ancient Glass, The Toledo Museum of Art", David Frederick Grose, 1989. Also "Early Glass of the Ancient World, 1600 BC - AD 50", Ernesto Wolf Collection, Verlag Gerd Hatje, 1994, p. 106
